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Agreement for services in the Netherlands

Agreement for services in the Netherlands

It is often said that in the Netherlands, entering into an agreement for services requires a great deal of paperwork and legalese. But is this really true? To investigate this theory, let’s take a closer look at agreements for services in the Netherlands – what they involve, why they’re so important and how to go about creating one. Agreements for services form part of everyday life in the Netherlands. Whether you’re hiring somebody or providing your own services, these documents protect both parties involved by outlining their rights and obligations within the arrangement. They are legally binding contracts which must be carefully considered before signing. As expert Dutch legal professionals, we understand how daunting it can feel when faced with creating an agreement for services. That’s why we want to provide readers with all the information necessary to ensure any agreement made between two parties is fair and mutually beneficial.

What Is A Dutch Service Agreement?

A Dutch Service Agreement is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties in the Netherlands, where one party agrees to provide services to another. This type of contract outlines the terms and conditions which both parties must adhere to, such as payment arrangements, fees, liabilities and ownership rights. In order for a service agreement to be valid in the Netherlands, it must meet certain legal requirements set out by Dutch law. The most important parts of a Dutch service agreement are its scope of work, duration and compensation clauses.

When drafting an agreement for services in the Netherlands, both parties should ensure that all relevant details are included in the document. It is also essential that each clause clearly sets forth its purpose and any applicable laws related thereto. Additionally, if there are specific regulations governing the particular sector of services being provided under this agreement then these should also be taken into consideration during negotiations. Finally, both parties should review their contractual obligations thoroughly prior to signing off on the agreement.

It is crucial that parties involved in a service agreement understand all aspects of their contractual obligations before entering into an arrangement. By ensuring that all elements of a Dutch service agreement comply with applicable legal requirements and industry regulations, parties can protect themselves from potential disputes down the line. With adequate preparation and knowledge about what goes into creating a valid service contract in the Netherlands, businesses can confidently enter into contracts without fear of invalidity or dispute resolution costs later on.

Types Of Services Contracts In The Netherlands

In the Netherlands, service contracts are a widely used form of agreement to set out how services will be provided and compensated. Typically, these agreements are between two parties: one that is providing services (the provider) and one who is receiving services (the recipient). There are several types of service contracts available in the Netherlands, each with their own distinct elements and considerations.

The most common type of Dutch service contract is an employment contract for services rendered. This type of agreement sets out the terms and conditions under which the employee provides services to his employer. It should include details such as duration, payment terms, duties, rights, responsibilities and other important clauses relating to termination or changes in the agreement. It is important for both parties to understand this contract fully before signing it.

Another popular type of service contract in the Netherlands is a professional services agreement. This type of contract can be used when a company engages an individual or organization on a freelance basis to provide specialist skills or expertise not otherwise available internally within the company. The main purpose of this agreement is to make sure that both parties have clear expectations regarding fees, deliverables, timelines and any potential liabilities associated with the project.

These are just some examples of types of Dutch Service Agreements commonly found in the Netherlands today. Each has its own unique requirements so it’s essential that all parties involved fully understand them prior to entering into any contractual arrangement. An experienced lawyer can help ensure that your business adheres to local laws while protecting you from potential legal issues down the line by drafting an airtight Services Agreement tailored for your specific needs.

Hiring A Dutch Lawyer For Services Agreements

When entering into a services contract in the Netherlands, it is important to hire a Dutch lawyer who can advise on local regulations and provide assistance with drafting and negotiating an agreement. The following points should be considered when hiring a Dutch lawyer for services agreements:

  • Experience: It is essential to work with an experienced attorney that understands the issues related to service contracts in the Netherlands. Ask potential lawyers what experience they have working with similar agreements and ensure their knowledge of relevant legislation is up-to-date.
  • Specialisations: Some attorneys specialise in certain areas such as international contracts, technology or data protection law. Ensure the lawyer you choose has expertise in legal matters related to your agreement.
  • Costs: Make sure you are aware of all costs associated with hiring a Dutch lawyer, including fees for preparing documents, attending meetings or conducting negotiations.

It is also worth exploring alternative ways of engaging legal services such as online platforms offering virtual consultations or packages for specific types of agreements at discounted rates. In any case, make sure you feel comfortable communicating with your chosen attorney before signing anything.

The importance of having the right counsel cannot be underestimated – from initial discussions about objectives through to ensuring compliance after signature – having access to expert advice helps minimise risks and ensures successful outcomes for all parties involved in dutch service contracts. Taking these steps will help ensure smooth progress throughout the process of drafting and negotiating a services agreement in the Netherlands.

Drafting And Negotiating A Services Agreement In The Netherlands

When drafting a services agreement in the Netherlands, parties should ensure that it is tailored to their needs and goals. A well-crafted contract will clearly define the roles of each party, as well as their responsibilities, rights, and obligations. It should also cover topics such as price, payment terms, duration of service or project completion timeline, and any other relevant matters. For additional protection of the parties’ interests, provisions relating to liability and termination may be included in the contract.

The negotiation process for a Dutch services contract can also have an impact on its enforceability and effectiveness. In order to reach an agreeable outcome between both sides, experienced lawyers must consider all legal aspects while finding common ground. This includes discussing potential risks associated with any agreements made between parties before finalizing the document. During this stage of negotiations, attention should be paid to dispute resolution mechanisms such as litigation or arbitration if needed.

Ultimately, by ensuring that all elements are adequately addressed during the drafting and negotiating stages of entering into a services agreement in the Netherlands, businesses can enjoy peace of mind knowing that they have taken steps towards protecting their interests in this arrangement. To further safeguard these interests going forward, it is important to understand how best to terminate a service contract in the Netherlands when necessary.

Termination Of A Service Contract In The Netherlands

The termination of a service contract in the Netherlands is often like untangling a web. Dutch services agreements can be complex and intricate, so it’s important to understand all aspects thoroughly before entering into one. A Dutch lawyer for services agreements in the Netherlands can help make sure that any contracts are legally binding, as well as provide guidance on how to terminate them if necessary.

When terminating a Dutch service contract, there are certain steps that must be taken. First, both parties should communicate their intention to end the agreement clearly and concisely. This will ensure that everyone has an understanding of what is happening and why they have come to this decision. The second step is to determine whether or not either party needs to take additional steps such as providing notice or waiving rights under the terms of the contract. If either party fails to do so then they may be held liable for breach of contract by the other side.

Finally, it’s essential that you document everything related to your termination process including any communications between yourself and the other party involved. Doing this will protect your interests during potential disputes or litigation regarding the service agreement down the line. Dispute resolution and litigation of Dutch service agreements requires comprehensive records for successful outcomes; having these at hand will prove invaluable later on if needed.

Dispute Resolution And Litigation Of Dutch Service Agreements

When it comes to disputes and litigation regarding Dutch service agreements, parties should always seek legal advice from a qualified lawyer. In the Netherlands, there are experienced lawyers who specialize in contract services for both domestic and international clients. They can provide guidance on how best to resolve any disagreements that may arise between contracting parties. A dutch lawyer for services agreements in the netherlands is familiar with all aspects of business law related to such contracts as well as the applicable laws and regulations concerning dispute resolution.

In some cases, alternative dispute resolution methods such as mediation or arbitration may be used to settle an agreement services in the netherlands without going through traditional court proceedings. If no amicable solution is reached then either party may initiate formal legal action against the other by filing a lawsuit before a court or tribunal. It is important to understand that a favorable judgment cannot be guaranteed when initiating litigation, so proper due diligence must be undertaken beforehand if one wishes to contest a dispute about a dutch service agreement.

The good news is that courts in the Netherlands have jurisdiction over most matters relating to contract services Netherlands-wide and they adhere strictly to established procedures which ensure fair hearings and judgments are made according to objective criteria. The judicial system also provides multiple levels of appeal allowing parties to challenge unsatisfactory verdicts until justice has been served according to national standards. With this kind of support available, companies can confidently enter into contractual relationships knowing their rights will be respected throughout any disagreement process that may occur thereafter.

Benefits Of Having A Service Agreement In The Netherlands

Having a service agreement in the Netherlands offers many benefits to those who seek legal protection. A Dutch lawyer for services agreements can help one protect their interests and ensure that all parties involved are held accountable for performing their duties. With a well-crafted contract, businesses are better equipped to handle potential disputes or misunderstandings with ease.

Moreover, having such an agreement will provide clarity on matters like payment terms, work scope, performance standards, and duration of the project. This helps both parties avoid unnecessary conflicts down the line as expectations have been stated clearly from the beginning. In addition, it is possible for a party to get compensated should another party not fulfill its obligations under the contract’s conditions.

Overall, engaging a Dutch lawyer when entering into service agreements provides peace of mind knowing that ones’ rights are safeguarded by law. One can be certain that there won’t be any surprises during the course of working with another individual or company. As such, having an experienced professional draft up this document is essential before getting started with any business venture. It may cost more upfront but could potentially save time and money in the long run by avoiding costly litigation fees due to unexpected disagreements later on. Moving forward, important considerations must be made when choosing a service provider.

Important Considerations When Choosing A Service Provider

It is important to take into account the wide range of considerations when selecting a service provider in the Netherlands. All too often, companies focus solely on price and quality, overlooking other key factors that can have a significant impact on their business relationship.

The following table provides an overview of some of the most common aspects to consider:

ReputationHow long has the company been operating? What sort of reviews does it have from past clients? Does it provide references upon request?
Services ProvidedIs the scope of services offered tailored to your needs? Are there any hidden or additional costs associated with using certain services?
Location/RegionalityWhere is the company based (geographically)? Does its presence in particular areas make sense for your current project requirements? Do they offer support for different languages and jurisdictions if necessary?
Contractual Terms & ConditionsWhat are the terms and conditions related to payment, termination, dispute resolution etc.? Are these clear and detailed enough so as not to leave anything open to interpretation later down the line?

When choosing a service provider in the Netherlands, it is essential to properly evaluate each factor listed above before signing any contract. Taking time at this stage can help ensure you get exactly what you need while avoiding costly mistakes such as mismatched expectations or budget overruns. Ultimately, by conducting thorough research beforehand you can be confident that you’re making an informed decision about who will best serve your needs.
Transitioning now into more detail about general provisions of Dutch services agreements which may further refine one’s search process…

General Provisions Of Dutch Services Agreements

Having discussed the considerations involved in choosing a service provider, it is now time to move on to general provisions of Dutch services agreements. This section will outline key elements that must be included for an agreement to be legally binding and valid in the Netherlands.

First, parties should identify themselves correctly and provide full details including their addresses and contact information. The contract should also specify what type of legal entity each party is, such as sole proprietorship or limited liability company (LLC). Furthermore, both sides may include any relevant background information about the project so that all parties are aware of the scope of work being agreed upon.

Second, clearly defined rights and obligations should be outlined in detail. It is important to consider how different circumstances can affect performance under the agreement. Additionally, there may also be specific documents required by law which need to accompany contracts with certain types of services providers. For example, contracts involving employment must adhere to local labor laws regarding working conditions and other related matters.

Thirdly, conflict resolution clauses should be added if necessary. Disputes between parties often arise over contractual issues; thus it is wise to prepare for potential conflicts beforehand by specifying procedures and methods for settling them amicably without resorting to court action or arbitration proceedings. In addition, some contracts require dispute resolution through mandatory mediation before litigation becomes an option – this should also be noted when drafting agreements. Finally, language concerning payment terms and conditions should always be specified accurately in order for the agreement to remain enforceable in case either party fails to fulfill its duties under the contract.

Payment Terms And Conditions

The terms of payment apply to the provision of services by the Supplier. The Customer is obliged to pay in accordance with an agreed method of payment as set out in the Contract. In the event of late payment or default, the Supplier may legitimately claim compensation for all costs incurred. Any purported agreement to the contrary shall only be binding if accepted in writing by both parties.

It is important that each party actually fulfils its financial obligations in order to avoid possible conflicts and to minimise potential problems that may arise as a result of delays in fulfilling funding agreements. It is therefore essential that both parties strictly comply with their financial obligations. To achieve this, each party should pay careful attention to the payment schedules and methods relevant to the transactions between them in Dutch service contracts. This will help to clarify exactly what each party’s financial obligations are and how they are to be met; this will make it easier to enforce contractual obligations and reduce the risk of one or both parties being sued for non-performance of such contracts. It follows that indemnification clauses are required in Dutch service contracts.

Indemnification Clauses In Dutch Service Contracts

Protection and prevention of potential liabilities are essential for parties involved in a service contract. With this in mind, indemnification clauses serve as an important part of Dutch contracts to outline the responsibilities of each party if any disputes arise from the services provided.

The agreement should begin with a clause outlining what constitutes liability and who is responsible for it. The liable party must be identified, whether it’s the contractor or customer, so that all parties understand their obligations under the agreement. Additionally, both parties must agree on which types of damages may be recovered by either side in case of a breach. This includes physical damage caused by negligence but also financial losses such as lost profits due to disruption to business operations.

In order to ensure that both parties are aware of the risks associated with entering into the contract, they should include a section detailing any possible exemptions from liability. For example, one party might not be held liable for certain kinds of property damage caused by natural disasters or criminal acts committed by third-parties. Furthermore, limitations can be set on how much money one side can recover from another in case of dispute resolution. By including these stipulations upfront, misunderstandings between contracting parties can be avoided when resolving conflicts later down the line.

These indemnification clauses provide safeguards against litigation and other forms of legal action connected with Dutch service agreements. Limiting liability ensures that neither party has too much risk exposure during and after completion of services rendered within the scope of the contract.

Limitation Of Liability Clauses In Dutch Services Agreements

The limitation of liability clauses in Dutch services agreements are an essential element for ensuring the legal protection of both parties.

These clauses limit the amount of compensation that one party may be liable for if a breach occurs and provide assurance against any losses or damages incurred by either side. There are three main types of limitation clauses:

  • Exclusion Clauses, which completely exclude certain forms of damage from being compensated;
  • Cap Clauses, which set a maximum value on the total compensation; and
  • Deductible Clauses, which state that only part of the loss will be covered by the service provider.

It is important to note that all limitations must comply with local laws and regulations as well as EU directives. Furthermore, it should also be made clear that these limitations do not apply to losses caused by gross negligence or willful misconduct. In some cases, there might even be specific rules regarding how much can be limited per type of liability depending on whether it is contractual (between two parties) or extra-contractual (from third party claims).

By following these guidelines when drafting their agreements, companies can ensure they have adequate legal protection while still providing necessary services without exposing themselves to excessive risk. This allows businesses to operate within a secure framework while maintaining flexibility and efficiency in their operations.

Confidentiality Clauses In Dutch Services Agreements

The serene beauty of the Dutch landscape can be seen from miles away. Yet, behind this tranquil vista lies a complex and intricate legal system, one which demands respect and adherence to its rules. This is particularly true with regard to confidentiality clauses in services agreements.

In order for such an agreement to be binding it must contain specific language outlining what information will remain confidential between the contracting parties. The clause should also define any special exceptions, including when disclosure may be required by law or court order. Additionally, if either party shares confidential information with third-parties, they must receive written consent from the other before doing so.

It’s important that both parties are aware of their obligations under the agreement and take steps to ensure these terms are adhered to throughout the duration of the contract. Such vigilance ensures not only trustworthiness but also protection from litigation down the line. As we turn our attention now towards warranties and guarantees provided by Dutch service providers, we must remember that knowledge about contractual rights is key for successful outcomes in commercial relationships.

Warranties And Guarantees Provided By Dutch Service Providers

In Dutch services agreements, warranties and guarantees are a critical aspect. By including them in the contract, service providers can ensure that their customers will receive the promised goods or services on schedule and with quality standards upheld. This section outlines some of the most important warranties and guarantees provided by Dutch service providers.

Finally, it is important to note that while these warranties and guarantees provide protection to both consumers and suppliers, they are not legally binding unless included in the written agreement. It is therefore essential for businesses entering into services contracts with Dutch providers to include relevant warranties and guarantees when negotiating terms of agreement.

Enforcement And Compliance With Services Contracts In The Netherlands

According to recent studies, 97% of services contracts in the Netherlands are voluntarily enforced. This is a testament to the strength and trustworthiness of these agreements. As such, it is important for businesses operating within this jurisdiction to understand what happens when one or both parties fail to fulfill their contractual obligations.

In the event that either party fails to uphold its agreement, Dutch law provides several tools for redress. These include arbitration proceedings and legal action with damages awarded as appropriate. The court may also order specific performance from the breaching party if necessary. However, before any dispute can be resolved through litigation or arbitration, all efforts must first be made to settle disputes amicably between the two parties involved.

Moreover, valid enforcement clauses should always be included in service contracts to ensure compliance on both sides. Such clauses outline each party’s responsibilities and provide remedies available in case of breach. Furthermore, they can help avoid costly litigation by providing an out-of-court means of resolving disputes quickly and efficiently.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are There Specific Rules And Regulations That Need To Be Followed In The Netherlands When Entering Into A Service Agreement?

In the Netherlands, it is important to understand the rules and regulations that need to be followed when entering into a service agreement. This is because those who enter into such agreements may find themselves subject to certain Dutch laws which could affect the outcome of the agreement if not adhered to properly. Therefore, it’s essential for both parties involved in a service agreement to familiarize themselves with relevant provisions and regulations before signing any contracts.

When forming a service agreement under Dutch law, there are particular requirements which must be met by each party. These include but are not limited to: specifying the services provided; determining how payments will be made; setting out what happens upon termination of the contract; detailing obligations regarding confidentiality; and agreeing on dispute resolution procedures. Furthermore, depending on the type of service being offered, additional stipulations may also apply. For instance, where professional services are concerned, specific qualifications may need to be met in order for an individual or company providing them to comply with local legislation.

It is therefore prudent for all those considering entering into a service agreement in the Netherlands to take these factors into account and ensure they have taken appropriate steps prior to executing any documents. Doing so can help minimize potential risks associated with non-compliance with applicable laws and provide greater assurance that their interests will be safeguarded during contractual performance.

What Is The General Timeline For Negotiating And Signing A Dutch Service Agreement?

“Time is of the essence” when entering into any kind of service agreement in the Netherlands. As a Dutch legal expert, it’s important to have an understanding of the typical timeline for negotiating and signing such agreements. This article will provide insights into this process.

Generally speaking, there are three key steps involved in negotiating and signing a Dutch service agreement: initial contact between parties, negotiation stage, and contract formation/signing. During the first step, both parties agree on the scope of services to be provided as part of the arrangement. The second step involves agreeing upon terms related to payment structure and other relevant matters; this can take several weeks or even months depending on how much back-and-forth occurs during negotiations. Finally, once all aspects have been agreed upon by both sides, they sign off on a legally binding document which formally seals their deal and establishes rights and obligations under the law.

Understanding these steps is essential if you wish to ensure that your service agreement adheres to Dutch laws and regulations. It also assists with minimizing potential conflicts down the line as all parties know what is expected from them before entering into an agreement. The whole process may seem complex at first but careful planning ensures that everything goes according to plan – leaving all involved satisfied with their arrangement.

Are There Any Tax Implications To Be Aware Of When Entering Into A Service Agreement In The Netherlands?

When entering into an agreement for services in the Netherlands, it’s important to be aware of any possible tax implications. Generally speaking, all income earned from services rendered must be declared and subject to taxation according to Dutch law. If an individual or business is providing services on a regular basis, they may have to register for VAT (Value Added Tax). In addition, there could be corporate taxes applicable for those who are considered residents of the Netherlands.

It can also depend on how much money is being exchanged as part of this transaction. For example, if services are provided with no more than €150 per year then Value Added Tax doesn’t need to be paid by either party involved in the agreement. On the other hand, if payments exceed that amount then both parties will need to pay VAT on their respective incomes arising out of the contract.

In some cases where foreign entities provide services within the Netherlands, they may even have to appoint a fiscal representative which would act on behalf of them regarding any matters related to taxes and duties imposed by Dutch authorities. It’s therefore imperative that anyone considering entering into a service agreement fully understand any potential tax implications before signing anything.

What Are The Options For Dispute Resolution If A Service Agreement Is Not Adhered To?

Unexpected disputes can arise when it comes to service agreements in the Netherlands, so what are your options for resolution? It’s an absolute must: understanding potential pitfalls of a service agreement and being prepared with solutions is essential. And while there may be no one-size-fits-all approach, having some kind of dispute resolution plan in place before signing on the dotted line could save you big-time down the road.

In such cases, Dutch legal experts typically recommend two approaches. The first involves out-of-court mediation by either a third party or within the company itself – often referred to as ‘alternative dispute resolution’. This process allows parties to resolve their differences quickly and cost effectively without resorting to costly litigation. On the other hand, if both sides cannot come to an agreement through mediation then they will need to go through court proceedings which can take months or even years depending upon each individual case.

The key takeaway here is that it pays off (literally) to have a dispute resolution plan in place prior to entering into any contract with another business partner in the Netherlands. Negotiating terms beforehand ensures that all parties involved understand what actions should be taken in order to protect their interests if disagreements occur later on. Doing so reduces risk and helps minimize future disruption caused by unexpected conflicts, ultimately allowing businesses to continue operating smoothly!

How Can The Enforceability Of A Service Agreement Be Ensured?

Ensuring the enforceability of a service agreement is an important consideration for those entering into such agreements. There are several measures that can be taken to ensure this, including:

  1. Clearly defining the services provided in the contract and setting out any limitations;
  2. Establishing a clear timeline for performance of duties by both parties; and
  3. Documenting all changes made during negotiations.

Na het vaststellen van de duidelijk gedefinieerde verplichtingen en afspraken die door beide partijen worden nageleefd, kan een overeenkomst voor diensten juridisch bindend zijn. Om te voorkomen dat er problemen ontstaan met betrekking tot prestaties tussen partijen, kunnen er bovendien clausules worden opgenomen over schadevergoeding en boetes als één van de partijen de overeengekomen verplichtingen niet nakomt. Door middel van deze maatregel staat uiteindelijk de binding van de serviceovereenkomst vast om eventuele conflicten te voorkomen of op te lossen wanneer ze optreden.

Het belangrijkste risico bij het sluiten van een dergelijke overeenkomst is dat alle activiteit gebeurt volgens wat oorspronkelijk was overeengekomen door beide partijen en zoals beschreven in het document waarmee het contract wordt ondertekend. Hiervoor moet elke partij zorgvuldig hun verantwoordelijkheden begrijpen voordat men instemt met de overeenkomst om mogelijk ambtelijk conflict te voorkomen naarmate de samenvattende termijn vordert. Als laatste is het belangrijk dat elke partij goede raad inschakelt over hoe best omgaan met situaties die buitengewoon veeleisend kunnen blijken te zijn, indien nodig contact opnemen met professionals die hierbij kunnen helpen afhankelijk van specifieke nationale wet- en regelgeving .


It is clear that there are a number of important considerations to bear in mind when entering into a service agreement in the Netherlands. On the surface, one might think that such agreements are straightforward and easy to negotiate; however, this would be far from the truth. In order for an agreement to be legally binding and enforceable, it must meet certain criteria and adhere to relevant regulations. It is also essential to consider potential tax implications as well as options for dispute resolution – all of which can have significant ramifications down the line if overlooked or ignored. All these requirements may seem like a daunting task but with careful consideration and expertise they need not be so difficult. With my many years’ experience working in Dutch legal matters I am more than confident that any service agreement will be negotiated efficiently and effectively – providing peace of mind for those involved!

Get in Touch with Our Experienced Legal Team

If you have any questions or require legal assistance regarding an agreement for services in the Netherlands, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our knowledgeable and dedicated team at our Dutch law firm. We are committed to providing exceptional legal services and personalized attention to address your unique needs. You can contact us through our website, via email, or by phone. Our friendly and professional staff will be more than happy to assist you and schedule a consultation with one of our expert attorneys in the Netherlands, for example a Dutch litigation attorney or contract lawyer in the Netherlands in Amsterdam. We look forward to the opportunity to help you navigate the complexities of the legal landscape and achieve the best possible outcomes for your case.

The content provided on this legal blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice or a substitute for professional legal counsel. While we strive to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the information presented, we cannot guarantee its completeness or applicability to your specific circumstances. We encourage you to consult with a qualified attorney for advice regarding your individual legal matters. The content on this blog may be subject to changes or updates without notice, and we disclaim any responsibility for any errors or omissions in the information provided.

Remko Roosjen

Remko Roosjen

Remko Roosjen is a Dutch contract attorney in the Netherlands and creates close working relationships with clients, providing pragmatic solutions across on all legal matters in the Netherlands. Remko is a partner of our Commercial law firm in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. His specialist areas include Dutch Contract Law, including Dutch Commercial Contracting and Legal Disputes, including civil litigation, arbitration and mediation. Remko is a sharp, creative Dutch attorney with extensive cross-border experience representing both foreign plaintiffs and defendants. Visit Remko's profile via the website or via his LinkedIn Profile.